McGuirl Designs to Present Plans for New Five Story, 45 Unit, Residential Building for 3150 SE Belmont Street at March 14th SNA Meeting

Please join us at our next Neighborhood Association meeting, Thursday, March 14th, 7:00 p.m. at SE Uplift, 3534 SE Main Street, for an informational presentation by McGuirl Designs & Architecture.

Casey McGuirl will present plans to build a five story, 45 unit residential building at 3150 SE Belmont Street, including a site plan and building elevations, and will be available to answer questions regarding the proposal following the presentation.  The purpose of this discussion is to share information between the neighborhood and McGuirl Design regarding details of the proposal, visual and exterior design features, and how it may impact the neighborhood, not to determine whether or not it should be built.

This location is zoned CM2 d (MU-U):  Commercial Mixed Use 2 (CM2) with a Design Zone Overlay (d) located in a Mixed Use – Urban Center (MU-U) area of the Comprehensive Plan.

[1] The CM2 zone is a medium-scale, commercial mixed use zone intended for sites in a variety of centers and corridors, in other mixed use areas that are well served by frequent transit, or within larger areas zoned for multi-dwelling development. Buildings in this zone are generally expected to be up to four stories, except in locations where bonuses allow up to five stories.

[2] The Design (d) overlay zone promotes the conservation, enhancement, and continued vitality of areas of the City with special scenic, architectural, or cultural value. This is achieved through the creation of design districts and applying the Design Overlay Zone as part of community planning projects, development of design guidelines for each district, and by requiring design review or compliance with the Community Design Standards. In addition, design review or compliance with the Community Design Standards ensures that certain types of infill development will be compatible with the neighborhood and enhance the area.

[3] Mixed Use — Urban Center.  This designation is intended for areas that are close to the Central City and within Town Centers where urban public services are available or planned including access to high‐capacity transit, very frequent bus service, or streetcar service. The designation allows a broad range of commercial and employment uses, public services, and a wide range of housing options. Areas within this designation are generally mixed‐use and very urban in character. Development will be pedestrian‐ oriented with a strong emphasis on design and street level activity, and will range from low‐ to mid‐rise in scale. The range of zones and development scale associated with this designation are intended to allow for more intense development in core areas of centers and corridors and near transit stations, while providing transitions to adjacent residential areas. The corresponding zones are Commercial Mixed Use 1 (CM1), Commercial Mixed Use 2 (CM2), Commercial Mixed Use 3 (CM3), and Commercial Employment (CE). This designation is generally accompanied by a design overlay zone.

You can find more information on this location at  If you are unable to attend this meeting or would like to submit written comments or questions regarding this proposal please email them to [email protected] and we will do our best to address them during the discussion.


Matt Lembo

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