The Leroy Blocks

Leroy Sly Scott, who passed away two years ago in May, now lives forever as part of our neighborhood. You may have known Leroy as a charismatic fellow who told a joke or sang a song from his stoop behind the Belmont Market. For years Leroy would sleep on (or nearby) his daytime throne on 34th Street before he got housing for what turned out to be his final year on Earth after 34 years of living outside. This stoop continues to be a place of gathering of all sorts of neighbors in Sunnyside. Now as you sip your coffee from Stumptown or walk your dog down to the playground, there is an image of Leroy there to greet you and to remind you that “All around the world, people are singing the same song.”  (A shortened version of this was Leroy’s favorite expression, inspired by the Digital Underground song.)  

The Portland Street Art Alliance and a group of local artists and community members came together last December to create a mural to honor Leroy. Thanks to artists Kyra Watkins, Caleb Ruecker, Sarah Farahat and Tammy MacKinnon who together designed and painted the mural, and to Tony Booone, a community member and Street Roots vendor who helped out. 

In the coming months visages of some of Leroy’s friends and community will be painted above the Tao of Tea and “The Leroy Blocks” will be complete. If you would like to contribute to this entirely community-generated and community-supported art, please do so here: A big thank you to the Portland Street Art Alliance for their dedication, care, and skill in beautifying our neighborhood with the history of its neighbors. 

Last Month’s News. This Month’s Plans.

During March’s Sunnyside Neighborhood Association meeting we welcomed a group of interested neighbors who joined us to hear from guest speakers Erik Dorrset and Bob Thompson from TVA Architects ( Erik and Bob walked us through their development project at 4406 SE Belmont St., and followed up with a round of questions. Prior to the presentation our organization had a brainstorming session on developer questions to have on hand for future presentation requests. We based our guidelines on what would best represent the neighborhood and how to apply a DEIA lens when addressing development concerns. These questions will be in the March SNA General meeting minutes online ( if you’d like to learn more about what we discussed. 

Matt Lembo, SNA Board Member, shared pre-planning details for our upcoming Candidates Forum which will be hosted during the SNA’s April General meeting. Details are in a separate article in this newsletter. We’re anticipating a great turnout and look forward to having you join us. The event will be held both in-person and virtually. If you need assistance to join the forum, please reach out to [email protected] for support. 

The SNA will spend time during May’s General meeting to further develop our Community Agreement Statement that we started to outline in February. I encourage folks to participate in helping us create this document. The intent of this statement is to create welcoming guidelines on best practices and establish the organization’s roadmap for a code of conduct during meetings.  

We are still seeking a Land Use & Transportation Chair as well as a Newsletter Communications & Advertising Coordinator. To learn more, please reach out to [email protected]

A big thank you to our recent Sunnyside newsletter donors. We greatly appreciate your generosity and goodwill. We will continue to have a newsletter donation link live on the SNA website for folks who would like to contribute to the newsletter’s expenses. Our goal is to work towards the yearly production costs of $6,000. ( We look forward to continuing to bring you up-to-date information and resources. 

The SNA April meeting will be held at the Sunnyside United Methodist Church (3520 SE Yamhill Street) on Thursday the 14th. Meeting details and the agenda will be posted on the SNA website ( on Tuesday the 12th. The General meeting will be from 7:00 – 7:30 p.m. with the Candidate Forum to follow directly after from 7:30- 9:00 pm. We look forward to seeing our Sunnyside community.

Three Words: Know Your Neighbors

Best practices (always) for emergency preparedness in three words are … know your neighbors.

Here are two stories to illustrate this:

1) A few weeks ago, about 3,000 homes around me lost their power for more than an hour. This is not unusual for our block, so we were prepared. We calmly got out our flashlights and placed them in strategic places on the three floors of our home. My husband got out our Coleman lantern, noticed that we had no more mantles so he went over to Freddy’s and replenished our supply. Done.

I texted a few neighbors (texting is the best way during a power outage) and asked them about their power. I could see across SE Yamhill that my neighbors still had power and knew we could tap into their power (we did this once before when the power was out for about 25 hours) to keep our refrigerator running and power up our cell phones and computers. I could do all these things because I have phone numbers for most of my neighbors and we know each other well.

2) I chatted recently with a friend who lives in Ladd’s Addition. She told me about a new neighbor, whose name she didn’t know, who had recently moved across the street. These new neighbors had gone away for a few days and contracted with a pet service to take care of their dog. The only way she and some of her neighbors knew about any of this was when some other neighbors heard a dog howling inside the new neighbor’s house and wondered what was going on. So, someone knew someone, etc until eventually the issue was resolved. But it took awhile. So, imagine if these new neighbors knew their neighbors and were able to share contact info in the event that something like this might happen. It would have saved a lot of time and energy.

3) What is your KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR’S story?

Want to share a story or need some help getting prepared? Email me at [email protected]. I am always happy to meet my Sunnyside neighbors.

Sunnyside Neighborhood Community Cares (SNACC) Committee Updates

In our March meeting the SNACC Committee discussed the Sunnyside Shower Project (SSP) Needs Assessment which was conducted to shine a light on barriers to the service, unmet needs, core strengths, as well as finding paths to move the project forward. We learned that time stood as a barrier for SSP guests with seven requesting more available days and times to shower, three mentioning the difficulty of scheduling appointments, two asking for everyday availability, and many admitting that a time limit of more than the current 30 minutes would be more welcome. Many strengths were accounted for by all participants, including 12 who declared the SSP as their sole support in maintaining their hygiene and personal care needs. Findings are available online HERE. We will be sharing a full report with the community soon, as well as discussing next steps for implementing changes based on these findings.

We also discussed additional projects that the SNACC Committee might consider taking on to provide further aid to the houseless community, such as administrative and paperwork assistance. We plan to continue this conversation in our next meeting on Thursday, April 21st from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at The Formation Lab (838 SE 37th St.). We hope you’ll join us.

Act Now for Climate Emergency on April 6th

Two years ago, the Portland City Council declared a climate emergency, but has little concrete to show yet in terms of either actual reductions or policies to reduce carbon emissions. Extinction Rebellion PDX and others will hold an action in the late afternoon of April 6th to demand that the City enact a plan for annual concrete steps towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 5-10% annually given the dire nature of the most recent International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.  

This action will take place in conjunction with the global Scientists’ Rebellion. We are calling on local scientists to both join us and speak out, so please help us spread the word! This action will involve scientists and climate activists outside both Portland City Hall and the Portland Business Alliance office with a short march in between the two buildings. We will be stressing that the City needs to take stronger substantive actions and that the Portland Business Alliance needs to stop blocking City efforts to reduce emissions and stop attacking the Portland Clean Energy Fund, the Portland Clean Air Protection Program, and other climate initiatives. This action on April 6th is in conjunction with organizing testimony to the City on their budget priorities for the next two years in terms of climate resiliency and emissions reductions. If you are interested in joining, helping or learning more, please email info@xrpdx.