You Can Help Oregon’s Foster Care Crisis

On any given day, there are about 6,000 children in Oregon’s foster care system. Many of these children come from situations of abuse and neglect only to find themselves facing uncertainty and instability once they enter foster care.  

Boys & Girls Aid, a nonprofit founded in Portland in 1885, wants to change that. We are looking for compassionate people to help improve the lives of children in foster care.  

A good foster home is often the first place a child in foster care has felt safe in a long time. Foster parents help children build trust in adults and provide a supportive environment where they can thrive.  

Boys & Girls Aid supports foster parents with responsive program staff available 24/7, ongoing free professional training, and generous monthly, tax-free stipends ranging from $1,200 to $3,500 per month. There are options to fit every family, from full-time placement to relief care a few days a month. 

Fostering children might bring life changes and challenges, but it’s a great opportunity to make a  difference in a child’s life — and in your own life, too. 

“It’s worth it to get to know these kids,” said experienced foster parents Jen and Chad. “It has enriched our lives a lot.” 

To learn more, visit our website: or contact Hallie Campbell at 503-544-7003 or [email protected].

Let’s Get Moving

Spring is here and it’s a great time to get moving and head outdoors. Having good cardiovascular health and being fit and strong are two of the main pillars of good health. In fact, lack of physical activity is now considered the fourth global cause of death just after high blood pressure, smoking and high blood sugar. A recent study from Kaiser Permanente’s Family Foundation has found that today’s youth spends an average of seven-and-a-half hours of screen time a day and only seven minutes outside moving. In a study published in JAMA Network Open, researchers at the Cleveland Clinic found that not exercising may be worse for your health than smoking. 

If that doesn’t persuade you, exercise also has amazing health benefits. Number one is brain health. Two of my favorite brain and Alzheimer doctors, Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, authors of The Alzheimer’s Solution, argue that exercise is even more important for brain health than heart health. It is amazing for learning, memory, focus, anxiety and mood. It does this by greatly increasing blood flow to the brain and increasing endorphins and neurotransmitters such as dopamine. It is also fantastic for the immune system. Even just 10 minutes of movement can increase infection-fighting immune cells by up to 50%. Weight bearing exercise is awesome for bone health and keeping our muscles strong, specifically leg and core muscles, which helps prevent falls as we age.  

Exercise can also increase energy. Think of the law of physics. An object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest. If you are feeling exhausted and unmotivated, just get up and try a little movement for five minutes, a walk around the block or do a few stretches. See if you can get that object (yourself) in motion.  

 It’s important to find the exercise that works for you and that brings you joy.  Walking is great. As I write this, spring and its beauty are bursting forth—trees are blooming, daffodils, trilliums and tulips are blossoming. I love smelling jasmine trees and hearing the songbirds on my walks with the dog.    

Maybe for you, it’s grabbing a friend and going for a hike in Forest Park or hopping on a bike to take the Laurelhurst Park loop or the Springwater Corridor. Find what works for you. So put that screen down, boost your energy (and your mood), and let’s get moving! 

Sunnyside Neighborhood: Getting to Know Your Neighbors

Q&A with Sam Rosenthal

Sam Rosenthal is musician and label producer — his band Black Tape for a Blue Girl has been producing its signature ethereal darkwave and goth rock sound since 1986, and his associated record label Projekt Records turns 40 this year. The label has produced over 300 releases, and Rosenthal himself continues to produce his own music year after year. 2023 also marks 10 years of Rosenthal living in Portland after spending most of his life in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Brooklyn—almost all of his time in Portland has been in the Sunnyside neighborhood, just off of Hawthorne Boulevard. 

How long have you lived in Sunnyside? 

Sam: I’ll have lived in Portland for 10 years at the end of July. Brooklyn, NY was the last place I lived. When I moved to Portland, I moved into a month-to-month apartment downtown. I moved myself and my business, so there was a lot to move. I was fortunate enough to buy a house when things were still “reasonable,” especially compared to Brooklyn at the time. 

What was the draw? Why did you settle on Portland?

Sam: The number one thing was to move out of Brooklyn. I was on tour and had friends in Portland who suggested moving here. It’s a very small town compared to Brooklyn or L.A., but it’s got the cool parts of Brooklyn. 

Do you think you’re going to stay in Portland for the foreseeable future?

Sam: My partner lives here; I’m staying here. I really like living in—for lack of a better term—“blue bubbles” and Portland is a nice one. People were moving to Austin or Portland ten years ago but I never thought of living in a “red state” for any reason. Portland feels like a really good spot to be. 

What do you love about Sunnyside? Do you normally stay in the neighborhood or do you venture out much? 

Sam: When I was living in Brooklyn, my son was in elementary school. Each day I would walk, pick him up and walk back home…. It was a very small neighborhood. I love that [Sunnyside] is a walkable neighborhood…. You really don’t have to drive that much here. Bars, food, and whatever convenience you need is right around here. I work from home, and I can stay at home all day, but it’s nice that there are these places right there. After ten years, I ended up in my little one mile square area.

When you do go out, where do you like to go?

Sam: Reel M Inn. Hat Yai on Belmont. Tov Coffee. I used to host a film series called Movies in the Dark at the Hollywood Theatre and at Clinton Street Theater, but not since the pandemic. I’m COVID-cautious, as my partner’s mom is immunocompromised; I’ve eaten in one restaurant since February 2020, and haven’t been to any clubs or bars. So I’m not the most aware of what’s new in the restaurant or bar scene here. But I have gotten much better at baking bread! 

Are you involved in the local music scene much? 

Sam: The music I produce isn’t related to Portland—the artists are from around the world. There are a lot of Italians and Australians on the label right now. Ash Sain’s band Trance To The Sun and Soriah are my friends; they were the people I knew in Portland who I visited before deciding to move here. Because of COVID-cautiousness, I don’t see any shows, local or national. The last show I saw was Projekt artist Aurelio Voltaire at the Star Theater in February of 2020. 

As a lifelong resident myself, I’ve seen the neighborhood change a lot. But it’s probably changed the most in the decade you’ve been here. Is there anything about these changes you don’t like?

Sam: The things that have changed in Sunnyside are the things that I might be missing soon. The amount of small, weird businesses that are being replaced by condos are kind of a drag. 

If you could change something about the neighborhood, then, what would it be?

Sam: A lot of the problem is capitalism; the thing that gets the most complaints is the homeless problem, but the problem is capitalism. I don’t have an answer for that, but I do think it’s part of the problem. We are more than our labor. It’s not a “Sunnyside issue.” How do you fix the issue within the system that is the cause of the issue? 

Finally, cats or dogs?

Sam: I’m a cat person! My current cat, Nova, is 18. I adopted her when she was 14. Our new album is coming out soon. 

A collaboration album with your cat?

Sam: Yeah, I record her purrs and extend it and add ambient music to it. It’s our second [album]. Most of what I release is digital, so it’s easy to make an album with a cat. The new one is more music and not just purring.

To hear Rosenthal’s cat albums, go here: 

His most recent Black Tape for a Blue Girl Album, The Cleft Serpent, is also on Spotify: 

News from the President

Greetings Sunnyside! I’m here, as usual, with the news from our April board meeting. As you might expect, much of the meeting focused on the elections on May 11th. There are numerous opportunities to serve your neighborhood on the board with four seats on the ballot and multiple incumbents leaving for new adventures and/or more pastoral settings (we will miss your tireless work Matt and Vincent!). As noted elsewhere in this newsletter, elections will be held in person on May 11th. You must be physically present at the meeting to vote. I apologize for the error in the last newsletter where I said that you could vote if present online. Unfortunately, some of our bylaws are still stuck in the pre-Zoom era, maybe something that the next board could look at modernizing?

In addition to elections, the board discussed and approved the new committee charter written by our Land Use and Transportation Committee. You can read the charter at and if you’re interested in joining in on the work this committee will be doing, please reach out to [email protected].

The last item we discussed was using our social media and website reach to do a better job at publicizing community events. Do you have an event the neighborhood might be interested in or you think would be beneficial to Sunnyside? Let us know and we will try to get it out to our subscribers on Facebook, NextDoor and on the calendar.

That’s it for now. We look forward to seeing you in May for a bit of hyper-local democracy!

You Can Help Oregon’s Foster Care Crisis

On any given day, there are about 6,000 children in Oregon’s foster care system. Many of these children come from situations of abuse and neglect only to find themselves facing uncertainty and instability once they enter foster care.  

Boys & Girls Aid, a nonprofit founded in Portland in 1885, wants to change that. We are looking for compassionate people to help improve the lives of children in foster care.  

A good foster home is often the first place a child in foster care has felt safe in a long time. Foster parents help children build trust in adults and provide a supportive environment where they can thrive.  

Boys & Girls Aid supports foster parents with responsive program staff available 24/7, ongoing free professional training, and generous monthly, tax-free stipends ranging from $1,200 to $3,500 per month. There are options to fit every family, from full-time placement to relief care a few days a month. 

Fostering children might bring life changes and challenges, but it’s a great opportunity to make a  difference in a child’s life — and in your own life, too. 

“It’s worth it to get to know these kids,” said experienced foster parents Jen and Chad. “It has enriched our lives a lot.” 

To learn more, visit our website: or contact Hallie Campbell at 503-544-7003 or [email protected].